“A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer so that you may heal yourself.”
-Maryam Hasnaa-
Through the course of my holistic studies as well as through the illnesses I’ve experienced in my life it’s become abundantly clear to me that all bodily disharmonies need to be examined and treated not just on the physical, but also on the emotional, energetic and psychic levels. I strongly believe taking a pill will not eliminate a disease fully. Instead it is necessary to weed out an illness from its roots in the mind and soul, so it won’t manifest in another form. Changing one’s lifestyle, behaviours and old counterproductive habits are necessary in this process.
Our anomalies, weaknesses and physical imbalances should be searched for in our minds, digestive tracts and emotional worlds all at the same time. And in every case we have to examine the extraordinary connection between our nervous and digestive systems, while diving deep into the dimensions of our souls.
During my twenties I tried a lot of different holistic methods and visited a wide range of therapists. I learned from this journey that not all holistic healing method will help each individuals the same way it may help others. We are all unique creatures, as such, the healing process should also be uniquely personalized to each person’s needs.
Moreover, as the seasons change during the year, so do we constantly in our lives, and so it is possible that a method that did not work before may prove beneficial under new circumstances.
It is never a certain bet that one person will benefit from the same diet, massage or medicine that has helped another heal, as our physical and mental constitutions are each so different. Complete examination is, thus, always a must.
I believe the greatness of a therapist lies not in certificates hanging on a wall or other such motivations, but in the fact that as soon as the patient sits down, the therapist is present, is interested, reads between the lines, connects with the person, is open-minded, is humble and ultimately radiates peace. I believe a successful therapist is one that listens carefully, willing to look at each person’s case from different perspectives with an open heart and a bright mind.
“All disease begins in the gut.”
I believe all diseases or physical symptoms are teachings. They teach us to become more self-aware, and encourage us to pay attention to ourself, to care for our precious bodies. The body-mind is sophisticated and intelligent enough to send us warning signals in case of imbalance. But to be able to read those signs requires mindfulness and awareness. Holistic healing techniques provide a broad spectrum of solutions to maintain health and harmony so we can prevent unnecessary aggravation of such disease upon us.
The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered:
“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”
A proper diet, daily exercise, self-care, good sleep, prayer, meditation, healthy sexual life, and reconnection to Mother nature are all necessary to one’s good health. But to take it further, I believe nowadays it is ever more important to recognise the healing power of a loving touch. We are loosing the connection to one another. We humans are social creatures, and therefore we naturally need daily dose of loving, supportive hugs, of gentle, caring touches.
Being able to use the vibration of love is the most precious healing tool I feel I have received from the Universe. All of my experiences have proven to me, that love is the greatest healer. It can move mountains in the soul, switch on the self-healing mechanism of the body, and clear all the dark clouds from the mind.
My goal is to make my patients feel valuable and loved through my treatments, as well as safe within the space that I hold for them. I truly seek for them to explore all the magic that exists within them.
I wish you a beautiful healing journey.